Kiss 'n' Tell
By Norbert Pritchard
Edited by Michael Armstrong
Written 2001 - 2004.
A spoof Kiss 'n' Tell book purporting to be the disclosures of one Norbert Pritchard and supposedly edited by Armstrong.
As Armstrong describes it: "Personally, I've always found kiss 'n' tell stories despicable but, these last few years, the whole thing just seems to have got completely out of hand. Everybody's at it. It's ridiculous. So, I created Norbert - the ultimate lying, hypocritical, embittered loser of all time and unleashed him and his absurd fantasies into this feeding frenzy of people, all rushing to cash in on the media's obsession for digging the dirt on celebrities and their private lives. I'd like to think Norbert's ludicrous revelations would shame all those other Norberts and would-be Norberts out there into realising that denigration of the human being is a two-edged sword. But then, greed and ethics have never exactly been ideal bed companions. If they had been, no doubt greed would have published a kiss 'n' tell book about ethics by now. After all, hasn't greed been the ghost writer of all the others?"
Kiss 'n' Tell is currently unpublished. I wonder why?
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